
Category: Multi Application Consoles

Digital consoles

DiGiCo S21

DiGiCo S21

Digico sudah dikenal sebagai brand besar yang masuk dalam lini produk mixer digital papan atas dan kerap digunakan pada aplikasi live sound, broadcasting, dan theater internasional termasuk di Indonesia. British console manufacture ini rupanya turut menembus lapisan segmen pasar yang lebih luas dengan meluncurkan seri S21.     Digico S21 […]

DiGiCo SD11

The SD11 is a compact 19 inch rackmount or table top mixer. By simply removing the end cheeks and armrest, 19” rack fixings are revealed, making this low cost, yet powerful solution straightforward to incorporate into almost any mixing environment.   The SD11 comes at an astoundingly low price point […]

DiGiCo SD9

DiGiCo SD9

NEW FOR 2012 The SD9 Supercharged has a significant expansion in Channel count, Dynamic EQs, Multiband Compressors and Matrix, and the addition of DiGiTuBes, Reorder of Busses and Multichannel inputs (formerly only available on SD7). Further new features include an expanded Aux Panel, increased Dynamic functions such as a Duck […]

DiGiCo SD8

DiGiCo SD8

NEW FOR 2012 In addition to the current 60 Flexi Channels and 24 Flexi Busses, the new Overdrive 2 advancement includes the provision of additional Dynamic EQ, Multiband Compressors, more FX, a 16 x 12 Matrix and the addition of DiGiTuBes, Reorder of Busses and Multichannel inputs, which previously were […]

DiGiCo SD10

NEW FOR 2012 How Nitrous turns up the power is with a significant expansion in the amount of Dynamic EQ, Multiband Compressors and FX, plus the matrix increasing from a 16 x 12 to 16 x 16 and the addition of DiGiTuBes, Reorder of Busses and Multichannel inputs. Now with […]

DiGiCo SD7

Powering the SD7 is our latest in high density digital processing, the all-new Stealth mixing and routing engine, exclusive to DiGiCo. Based on the latest incarnation of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology, known as Super FPGA  it’s a core component of the SD7’s quantum leap in console design. Allied to three of […]